Already Living An Active Lifestyle But Looking For More?
Give me 14 days and I’ll show you how to unlock 10 years of growth by turning your daily workout into your self-development machine...
3X Your Energy and Confidence Overnight With a Proven Process
Hi, I'm Lillian So
Driven millennials come to me when they want to unlock 10 years of growth in a matter of weeks.Â
I am an international best selling author and creator of the SOmethod.
For over a decade I've been helping hundreds of millennials become the best version of themselves through my proven process.
They say I’m a one-stop-shop and working with me is like hiring a personal trainer, therapist, life coach, healer and spiritual teacher all in one. That might be true. But the people who get the FASTEST results are those who are already pushing themselves to the limits physically.
That's why I'm specifically hosting a challenge to work with people who’ve already committed to an active lifestyle, and are ready to unlock the next level of performance in their life.