Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak on Jeju Island, South Korea


Join me for what is not only our first ever Asian retreat, but also our first retreat outside of Tulum.

I’m excited for this retreat because we can finally give April Liau and Kiri from Japan a retreat experience!! 

Plus, they can go on adventures once they unlock retreats, hehe… 

(we’re trying to make the Seoul adventure happen for April’s 30th!!)

I want to start by sharing all the ways this particular retreat will be a unique and special event for us in 2025.

First, if you went to Tokyo Weekender in 2024, you felt how special it was to have an all girl's trip.

It looks like Tokyo 2025 + Jeju will be the same way. Since there will be a separate Menz Weekender in Tokyo and the accommodations are a bit tight in Jeju, it all works out that it will be a back to back girls girls girls trip.

Second, I can only take 14 people on this retreat. I normally take up to 22 for Tulum retreats, but this one will have a much different vibe.  A lot more intimate and quite different from Tulum in many ways.

Third, this is going to be a pretty "rustic" stripped down retreat... in a good way.

This doesn't mean we won't have showers and A/C. The rooms are modern, there is wifi, and we can still walk to the Korean convenience store 5-10 min away, lol.

With that said, I would NOT say it is a replacement for Tulum at all. The property doesn't really have the facilities for us to workout like we do in Tulum, there aren't big open spaces or beaches right outside our door, and there aren't poppin restaurants and bars up and down the street. And it will only be for 4 nights. I don't think we will need more.

The main reason we put this on our schedule in the first place was so we could have a retreat within better reach for April Liau and Kiri.

About the location:

This is going to be a countryside retreat. A for real "hometown cha-cha-cha" (<< kdrama reference) moment.

It's very quiet here. It's a gem of a location. The owners left everything behind in Seoul the same year I started SOfit (say whaaa) and moved down to Jeju to find their secret spot.

They bought the land, built everything from scratch, and have been slowly adding onto it as they grow their little business.

The (taurus) wife makes bread every night for the guests and the (cancer) husband found the land after walking up and down the area on foot for a whole year before buying the land. He literally found his cancer hole. They are the loveliest couple.

The location is a destination for a lot of very serious meditators - a very famous Korean meditation teacher also set up his center in the neighborhood because the area is known to be a magical vortex where the energy is particularly special. It's also very quiet because the location is at a dead end road of the island. So no cars can get in or out of one side... so there isn't a lot of tourist activity.

But don't worry, there are still restaurants, cafes, and beaches we can visit.

My intention for this retreat is to get really quiet, strip down to basics, and enjoy the most luxurious thing above all - time and space.

We will be surrounded by sea and mountains. We will be hiking and we will be eating Jeju pork and seafood.


Everyone will be sharing rooms and there will be a combo of sharing beds and floor mattresses. We will have the whole place to ourselves and we will not be overly cramped or on top of each other. I went over the space and beds with the owners and we believe 14 is the max we should take so it is still comfy.

You will have hot water, showers, fridges in your rooms, views of the water, internet, AC, convenience stores, etc.

Check in and opening circle is Monday, June 16th.

Check out and closing circle is the morning of Friday, June 20th. 

I plan to fly down to Jeju either Sunday the 15th or the morning of the 16th. 

We can all fly to Jeju together from Seoul, or I can arrange a car for you to get from Jeju airport to our retreat hub.

You can always spend time in Jeju (or Seoul or Busan) before or after the retreat, so please don't hesitate to do your thang.

There are TONS of flights into Jeju every single day at literally all hours and minutes of the day.

There are many other places that are prettier than our retreat location, but there is no vibe like our retreat location. So plan according to your preferences.

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Jeju Remaining Balance (one time payment)
Jeju Remaining Balance - 5 Monthly payments of $720.00 (partial payment)


  • Jeju Remaining Balance

    Balance for those who paid deposit
  • Total

    USD $3,600.00


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