OCTOBER 3-18TH, 2022

Join me for a very special
14-Day Meditation Challenge!

The kickoff call for the meditation challenge is on Monday, Oct. 3rd at 330pm PST. Call will be recorded.

There are 3 primary intentions behind this meditation challenge:

1: This is a "countdown to Tulum" challenge for the members attending the October Tulum retreat.

2: This is an opportunity to reconnect to the meditation magic created during the mystery challenge.

3: This is an opportunity to slow down and calm the nervous system after a very hectic spring and summer post-Covid. The collective burnout needs healing.


Expect daily meditations of all sizes.
**All sessions will be recorded**

Results may include but not limited to:

💡 Better sleep
💡 Improved health
💡 Reduced stress and anxiety
💡 Increased self-awareness
💡 Heightened manifesting powers
💡 Clearer intuition and telepathy
💡 Vivid imagination and creativity
💡 Spontaneous breakthroughs
💡 And better poops


The sale for the meditation challenge starts at $99 on Thursday, Sept 22nd at 9am PST.

It will go up to $149 after the first hour.

It will go up to $199 on Friday, Sept 23rd at 9am PST.

Sale ends Friday, September 30th at 9am PST.

Register Now and lock in your spot!


  • Meditation Challenge – $199

    Service Fee
  • Total

    USD $199.00


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