YAY! I can't wait to meet you!

I look forward to speaking with you during your scheduled appointment time!
Please be in a quiet room where we can discuss your desired outcomes.

I will not take calls if you're on the go or can't devote your full attention.
Our time is valuable, so please make the space for it.


If you feel we're a good fit and we can help you, please be ready to come on board!
I will answer any and all questions you may have.

Step 2: Here's what to expect!

We've received your booking and application!

We are reviewing it now.

We'll call you at the EXACT time of your appointment 🙂

Make sure you set aside time to watch the videos below.
Lastly, be in a quiet room with no distractions at the time of your call.
You will want to take notes!
Processed with VSCO with a1 preset

Step 3: Watch these videos as homework!

Watch Video 1:

"You are the most important investment"

Watch video 2:
"What if I'm on the fence?"

Watch video 3:
"You will 10x your investment"

Watch video 4: "What if I don't see results?"

Watch video 5: "Expect something different"

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